
Papa Benedicto protege pedófilos acusados

Víctimas de los abusos sexuales cometidos por miembros de la iglesia católica dicen que el Papa Benedicto esta protegiendo a unos 19 obispos que han sido acusados de abusar de niños.

De los acusados, ningúno ha sido destituido, censurado ni referido a las autoridades.

Esto sale a luz en el mismo momento cuando el Papa dijo en su vuelo a los Estados Unidos que iba hacer todo lo que pueda para evitar que se repita el escandalo. "Excluiremos a pedófilos del sagrado ministerio" dijo este, de acuerdo a Reuters.

Para los que desean mas información sobre los abusos que ha cometido la iglesia católica encontra de los niños, visite bishopaccountability.org.

Even as he told reporters on his flight to America that he was "deeply ashamed" over the church sex abuse scandal, Pope Benedict was accused by victims of protecting some 19 bishops accused of sexually abusing children.

"As a Catholic, I have to sadly conclude that he is not serious about ridding the church of corrupt bishops," said Anne Doyle, co-director of BishopAccountability.org, a group tracking public records involving the bishops.

According to the group, of the 19 bishops "credibly accused of abusing children," none has lost his title, been publicly censured by the Vatican or referred for criminal prosecutions.

"The sexual corruption in the Catholic church starts at the very top," said Doyle.

Pope Benedict told reporters on his flight this morning from Rome to Washington, D.C., he would do everything possible to avoid a repeat of the scandal. "We will absolutely exclude pedophiles from the sacred ministry," he said, according to Reuters.


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